Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Endings...for you

Some days, you feel just plain happy. Just like that.
The kind of days when you wake up in the morning, and there’s a song you hum in your heart, the song that drowns the endless noise of the traffic…you can never figure out where that song came from...
And if it’s a sunny day, you simply love the shine, if it’s a rainy day, you end up loving the damp…
The kind of days, you feel like smiling at a stranger, and you wont mind not getting a smile in return, the days when you wont care if the cab driver keeps the change even when you know he has the coins in his pocket..
Days when you don’t feel like complaining about sector 5 traffic, when you don’t feel guilty about having two ice creams in a row..
Days when you feel like writing a random mail to a friend you haven’t spoken for ages, the days you only feel like reading Calvin n Hobbes, or watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s again…
Days when you feel like coming straight home to surprise mom.
Such days come and go. But, what stays behind is the feeling. That’s enough to keep you waiting for more.


  1. :) happy happy happy!!! atlast :) very nice read riku.i just know the feeling...and the expression on Chui's face just sums up ur article.love u

  2. i didn't know that soft-toy had a name... :-) ... very 'happy' read... way to go!
